Welcome to
وَن اِن کرائسٹ چرچ
One in Christ Church Nottingham, England

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slaves nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
نہ کوئی یہودی رہا نہ یونانی، نہ کوئی غُلام نہ آزاد، نہ کوئی مرد نہ عورت کیونکہ تم سب مسیح یسوع میں ایک ہو ۔
[Galatians 3:28]
Who We are /
The History of One in Christ Ministries / Church
Pastor Johnson Paul had a strong Divine Calling on his life from his childhood. After his secondary school certificate, he went to St Mary’s Seminary, Lahore, Pakistan for ten years seminary studies for Roman Catholic priesthood but God had a different plan for him which made him to leave after four years of studies. In the responsibility of FEBA Radio programme and Christian Music production in Pakistan Christian Recording Ministries, Faisalabad, Pakistan, his Biblical knowledge was broadened then in October 1992, in North Africa, Matthew 6:33 “But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His Righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” After being Born Again experience, God assigned him the Church planting, Preaching and teaching Ministry. He launched a home prayer group under the name of “Well-wishers” which brought a great personal prayer revival among Christians and Non-Christians.
In August 1994, near Sahara Desert, North Africa, during his administration work in an oil drilling company, an early morning, Divinely, he got Galatians 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slaves nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” After this inspiration, he started the first regular Fellowship under the name of “One in Christ Fellowship” with the mixture of Filipinos, Sudanese, South Koreans, Egyptians, Indians and Pakistanis.
In August 1997, he came to the UK for Computer Engineering studies but according to God’s Plan, he did his Theological degree from South London Christian College, London, UK. In March 2000, he was ordained as a Minister of Gospel which changed his title from Brother to Reverand Johnson Paul. God Blessed many through his preaching and teaching ministry in the UK, Europe, UAE, USA, Canada, South Korea, India and Pakistan.
God Moved him from London to Nottingham, England in August 2001 where the first regular nondenominational Church was launched in February 2002, since then “One in Christ Church Nottingham” have been a great blessing to the locality and throughout the UK with a good fruit of water and Holy Spirit Baptisms, ordaining and releasing three persons for the evangelistic ministry.
One in Christ Church Nottingham celebrated its 22nd Anniversary on the 10th of February 2024. Pastor Johnson Paul is thankful to God Almighty for a dedicated and faithful family and ministry team in the service of the Glorious King Lord Jesus Christ. The object of the ministry is to fulfill the Great Commission, preaching Gospel and making nations the disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Church is active on Social Media, Radio, Television, Print Media and Public meetings and Church Conventions with the passion to bring nations under ONE Name for their salvation to enter the Kingdom of God.
Ministerial Team:
Pastoral Ministry:
Pastor Johnson Paul:
Pastoral responsibility, Preaching, Teaching, Counselling, Home visits, Men and Women Ministerial trainings,
Future Leadership trainings and placements, Local, National and International Church presentations,
representations and conferences / seminars attendances. Church / Fellowship planting, Networking with
other Churches and Organisations.
Overseeing, launching and maintenance of Local and International Charity projects.
Mrs Mukhtar Johnson:
Assistance in the Pastoral responsibility, Overseeing Worship team, Women Ministry, especially the Wednesday
ladies meeting (Zoom) conduction, dealing with Church Finances and organization.
Deacon Humair Pervaiz:
Assistance in the Holy Communion conduction, Coordination in Youth and Sunday School Activities, Community outreach and Supervision of Events
Mrs Aneesa Humair:
Sunday School Teaching, Children Dramas and Tableau direction and arrangements, trainings and Counselling. Youth group coordination.
Awais Sharoon:
Administration responsibilities, Worship team coordination, Social Media coordination, Overseeing and organization of Youth Group and events coordination.
Mrs Malka Awais:
Sunday School Teaching, Children Dramas and Tableau direction and arrangements, Conduction & maintenance of Sunday Service Zoom, Facebook and live streaming, trainings and Counselling. Youth group coordination.
Event Organisers:
All Church Events such as Christmas, Resurrection Day, Annual Conventions, Birthday Parties, Dedication, Marriages ceremonies and funerals organisation and maintenance are looked after by the following team;
Mr. Nawaz Zafar & Mrs Nina Nawaz
Mr. Sushil John & Mrs Seema Sushil
Ameek Alam & Mrs Mehak Ameek
Mrs Mehak Ameek:
Coordinates in Church Facebook, Zoom meetings, in Church Main programmes and Annual conventions
Ameek Alam :
Coordinates in Church Events Hospitality, administration and Networking team.
Social Media Ministry:
Mr. Asim Naseem:
Launching and maintenance of You Tube, Video and Audio Engineering, Performing arts Direction and organization.
Mrs. Nida Asim:
Assistance in Social Media Ministry and Intercession Team
Abner Sardar:
Trainee in Video recording Church services and programmes, live streaming and Zoom meetings.
Worship Team:
Mrs Mukhtar Johnson, Anna Sushil, Tanvi Sushil, Camila Sushil, Awais Sharoon, Mrs Malka Awais and Mrs Aneesa Humair.
Intercessory Team:
Mrs Mukhtar Johnson, Mrs Aneesa Humair, Mrs Seema Sushil, Mrs Nida Asim Mrs Mussarat Nadeem, Mrs Malka Awais.

Upcoming Events/ Prayer Meetings
Sunday Service
2:00 PM -
5:00 PM
St Christopher Church building.NG2 4AL
Sunday Service / Award Ceremony
2:00 PM -
5:00 PM
St Christopher Church building.NG2 4AL
Sunday Service
2:00 PM -
5:00 PM
St Christopher Church building.NG2 4AL